
The linens and textiles we use in the Riad are handmade in Morocco, 100% natural cotton, wool or linen. No polyester. No synthetic fibres.

Rugs and Textiles

We have carefully selected vintage Moroccan Berber rugs for the rooms. They are changed several times during the year.

Home Scents

The riad has several stunning bougainvillea trees. With or without flowers, they provide visual joy to the guests and also a safe haven for our resident birds. The home scents and candles that we add to our rooms are relaxing and alluring.


We provide complimentary shampoo and shower gel to our guests. We use glass bottles for ecological reasons.


We provide a varied and copious breakfast every morning. The menu changes every day. We also cater to every dietary requirements. Whether you eat a vegan or gluten free diet, you wil always eat well in the mornings.

Moroccan Dinner

While there are countless restaurants around the riad, the best Moroccan meal will be a home-cooked one. The dinners prepared by our team of Moroccan women are to die for.